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Обновление (23.03.2012)+ Обзор карты cs_office

В игре появилось три новых оружия:

Обновление (23.03.2012)+ Обзор карты cs_office


Обновление (23.03.2012)+ Обзор карты cs_office


Обновление (23.03.2012)+ Обзор карты cs_office

Все они находятся в разделе тяжёлого оружия.
Предлагаем вам посмотреть небольшой обзор карты Office от TGN:

Полный список обновлений:(На английском)

• Now Quick Match into Classic Map Cycle
- The map cycle is compose of Train, Nuke, Inferno, Dust, Dust 2, Italy, Office
- At the end of a match players will automatically cycle to a new map in the group
- New voting feature available to players via the in-game menu. Voting allows players to call a vote on the following:
— Kick Player
— Change Map
— Swap Teams
— Scramble Team
— Restart Match
— Surrender

- Added Hostage map – Office

• Cs_italy
- Fixed missing texture error
- Fixed displacements inside solid
- Fixed balcony nav mesh
- Adjusted fog values

• De_inferno
- Updated Inferno radar
- Added optimized water to the fountain
- Added the water to the 2nd fountain too (near T spawn)
- Added vis blocking to ruins at fountain
- Updated inferno radar map
- Tuned fog values
- Pulled out fog band in 3dskybox
- Adjusted some model fade distances that were visually popping now
- Increased lightmap res on one surface that looked too dark

• De_stmarc
- Adjusted fog density
- Optimized tree models
- Turned off world shadowing on chain-link fence models so they cast better CSM shadows

• De_dust
- Increased life on helicopter from 15 to 25 seconds
- Added new helicopter path
- Adjusted fog values
- Adjusted various prop fades that were now exposed with new fog settings

• De_dust2
- Fixed red console errors with props that were set to use VPhysics, but have no collision hull
- Fixed odd shaped crack where door connects to wall
- Added new helicopter path

• De_lake
- Fixed gap in wall join
- Fixed reflection effect by the dock pops in/out too near
- Fixed bit of missing geometry
- Removed satellite dish from the roof
- Fixed players getting stuck on rope floats
- Trimmed water line along ground edge to minimize water overlap of geo
- Fixed ‘apartments’ place name

• De_train
- Tuned radar map image
- Adjusted fog values

• Added new weapons:
- Mag7
- Sawed – Off Shotgun
- XM1014
- Negev

• Added Glock 18 to CT buy menu
• Adjusted player movement in response to pro player feedback with special thanks to J3di and pR
• Adjusted flashbang in response to pro player feedback: effect is 25% stronger and not blocked by players
• Changed it so players drop weapons when killed after being disconnected
• Added clinch to demolition mode. When a team has an insurmountable lead in a match the game will end prior to playing out all of the remaining rounds. The players will be alerted to the clinching round at the start of that round

• Added messaging explaining why match ends in competitive mode when game does not go a full 30 rounds
• Fixed Inventory and Buy menu icons
• Added ability for players to upgrade armor via the buy menu at the reduced price of Kevlar
• Changed ‘My Awards’ string to be more generic ‘MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS’

• Removed the miniscoreboard avatar background for dead players
• Testing more opaque team tinting for avatars in mini scoreboard
• Edited opacities on avatar borders
• Added surrender win condition in the win panel
• Added device detection – The game will prompt the player to select an ingame input device if more than one is detected
• Restored chat message that says who and why the winner won
• Fixed chat window to hide when you click the corner [X]
• Updated pause menu
• Fixed left alignment on Options submenu
• Fixed typo «whileflashbanged» is now «while flashbanged»
• Changed Casual mode so now all CT’s receive a Defusal Kit
• Fixed to how muting is set and displayed
• Fixed another case of the disappearing scoreboard
• Fixed awarding the Office Veteran achievement simultaneously with the Italy Veteran achievement

• Fixed another case of improper music fade out

• Added triggers for the dust particles so they reliably fade away after 15 seconds
• Reduced scale of impact dust significantly; also reduced alphas just a bit

• Elite Team ID improvement — Changed keffiya/shemagh to white.
• ST6: team ID fix. — Trying a darker vest/pouch/helmet for distinct value pattern vs elite

General Bug Fixes:
• Fixed occasional crash when earning certain achievements
• Fixed occasional crashes for certain UI popups
• Fixed an assert relating to using a bone index that may not be valid
• Fixed «mp_restartgame 1″ NOT setting back Arsenal Demolition game settings such as current weapon on round start.
• Demo mode values were not being reset, nor were players’ items being reset. The mp_restartgame convar now causes all mode values to be reset and all players’ weapons (primary, secondary and grenades) to be destroyed and reset to the proper defaults.
• Fixed achievements not being displayed properly when earned.
• Fixed asserts that occur when the triangle reticle tries to appear over a character that’s head is partially visible. This was causing the reticle to possibly appear in an invalid location while this condition occurred.
• Fixed crash when invalid radar icons are de-referenced.
• Fixed bug where grenades bounced off of the windows in de_lake
• Fixed stutter while spectating a player in the process of ducking.
• Fixed an intermittent crash when attacking with a knife.
• Cleaned up unused sounds causing console spew.

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